速報APP / 旅遊與地方資訊 / GDR Tours & Travels

GDR Tours & Travels


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版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


GDR Tours & Travels(圖1)-速報App

GDR Tours & Travels is the professional Travels dedicated to provide quality and timely service with an aim to meet the needs and desires of the customers. GDR Tours & Travels offers service with different models and fares to suit the convenience of customers. The objective is to provide superior and comfortable travelling facilities to our valuable customers.

GDR Tours & Travels was established in a view to providing better bus services among the passengers and to serve with great dedication to all the passengers and providing best facilities among the bus services.

GDR Tours & Travels(圖2)-速報App

GDR Tours & Travels is rated as the one of the most excellent operators in market, among the daily service Operators. This has fleet of well designed infrastructure and seating arrangements. Its dedicated staffs handles clients inquires about travel information to travelers. Travelled information is delivered to person -2-person by phone, fax, and email around the clock.

There will be no compromise on safety, reliability, comfort and on time travel. Be it the management, the fleet, the ground staff or the bus crew focus on performance and customer satisfaction. The drivers are well trained to make the journey a safe and comfortable one.

GDR Tours & Travels(圖3)-速報App

GDR Tours & Travels has introduced & observe strictly the following for the benefit of customers

· Computerized journey Ticket booking

GDR Tours & Travels(圖4)-速報App

· Fully automated operation process and control

· Online E-Ticket booking

GDR Tours & Travels(圖5)-速報App

· Strict adherence to pick-up and transit schedules

支援平台:iPhone, iPad